Valorie Rice, Senior Business Information Specialist We are getting a better idea of what our state and country look...
Tag - Population
What States Send the Most Migrants to Arizona?
By George W. Hammond, EBRC Director and Eller Research Professor, and Alisha Kim, Research Economist The COVID-19...
High-Frequency Update: 12-20-20
By George Hammond, EBRC director and Eller research professor Arizona initial claims for regular unemployment...
Destination Arizona: Where are People Moving From? And Why?
By George W. Hammond, Ph.D., Director and Research Professor, EBRC Note from the editor: We are featuring a...
Arizona Is Getting Older…But so Is the U.S.
by Valorie H. Rice Senior Specialist, Business Information Current data releases as of 02 July 2020 The 65 and older...
Let the Good Times Roll: Arizona’s Expansion Stays Strong
Arizona’s First Quarter 2019 Forecast Update* By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research Professor, EBRC...
Impacts of Automation on Pima County Employment
by George W. Hammond, Ph.D. EBRC Director and Research Professor We are in the midst of a new industrial revolution...
Arizona Hits the Accelerator
Arizona’s Fourth Quarter 2018 Economic Outlook Update* By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research...
Destination Arizona: New Residents by State of Origin
by George W. Hammond, Ph.D. EBRC Director and Research Professor According to the latest Census data, 247,459 people...