Arizona’s Third Quarter 2018 Economic Outlook Update* By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research...
Tag - Building permits
Arizona’s Economy Powers Ahead, but Watch for Risks on the Horizon
Arizona’s Second Quarter 2018 Economic Outlook Update* By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research...
Out like a Lamb: Arizona Slows in Late 2017
Arizona’s First Quarter 2018 Economic Outlook Update* By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research...
Summer Swoon? Arizona Looks to Rebuild Momentum
Arizona’s Fourth Quarter 2017 Economic Outlook Update* By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research...
Growth on the Horizon: Arizona’s 30-Year Outlook
Arizona Third Quarter Economic Outlook Update 30-Year Long-run Forecast Horizon By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director...
Arizona’s Economy Finding a Second Wind?
By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research Professor, EBRC The Arizona economy coasted into 2017, with modest...
Breakfast with the Economists 2017 Presentation
Browse the PowerPoint presentation from Breakfast with the Economists presented at the Westin La Paloma in Tucson...
Arizona’s Economy Catches a Winter Chill: First Quarter 2017 Forecast Update
By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research Professor, EBRC The Arizona economy slowed during the fourth quarter...
Arizona’s Economy Passes through Summer Showers
Fourth Quarter 2016 Forecast Update By George W. Hammond, Ph.D. Director and Research Professor, EBRC The Arizona...